Michaela Štěbetáková, Ph.D.

Michaela Štěbetáková, Ph.D.

Researcher, Project manager KA3 (RUR)

Research interests: leisure and tourism geographies

Office: CPTO-4.29, Phone: +420 475 28 6757, E-mail: michaela.stebetakova@ujep.cz

Personal profile

Michaela Štěbetáková graduated from the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen with a Bachelor’s degree in Economic and Regional Geography. She continued her studies in Geography at Přf, UJEP and subsequently completed a PhD programme in Applied Economics and Administration at FSE UJEP. Her research focuses on sustainable tourism in protected areas and its impact on the local economy. She is also partly involved in the issue of the Děčín Navigation Level.

Education and internships

  • 2017 – Erasmus+ Karl-Franz University in Graz, Austria (5 months)
  • 2018 (Bc.) Faculty of Economics, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (Economic and Regional Geography)
  • 2018 – Erasmus+ Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan, Poland (5 months)
  • 2020 (Mgr.) Faculty of Science, UJEP in Ústí nad Labem (major Geography)
  • 2024 (Ph.D) Faculty of Social and Economic Stduies, UJEP in Ústí nad Labem (study programme Economic Policy and Administration, major Applied Economics and Administration)

Academic and professional activities

Selected recent papers and publications

  • Štěbetáková, M., Červinka, P., Hořejš, M., Lukešová, Š., & Vaculovičová, L. (2022). Elbe—A Tourist Line Cycling Through Europe. In The International Conference on Cultural Sustainable Tourism (pp. 183-193). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
  • Štěbetáková, M., Hruška, V., & Raška, P. (2022). Bohemian Switzerland: Longterm spatiotemporal transformations of tourism facilities in rural peripheries between the regulations and access for all. European Countryside, 14(2), 328-345.
  • Štěbetáková, M., Píša, J. (2023). Kvalita služeb v Českosaském Švýcarsku: méně znamená někdy více. Geografické rozhledy, 33(2), 30–33. 158
  • Štěbetáková, M., Raška, P., Šmíd, O., Riezner, J., Bartůněk, M., Holub, J. (2022). Hodnocení Potenciálu A Absorpční Kapacity Cestovního Ruchu V Labském Údolí V Úseku Hřensko – Litoměřice. Katedra geografie, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Univerzita J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem. Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny ČR.


  • Czech Geographical Society (2020–)