Agents of Change in Old Industrial Regions in Europe

Volkswagen Stiftung (2019–2021)
Řešitel: Dr Nadir Kinossian (Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography); Dr Markus Grillitsch (Lund University); Mgr. Vladan Hruška, Ph.D. (UJEP); Prof. Kevin Morgan (Cardiff University); Dr Erika Nagy (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Člen týmu (za katedru): Mgr. Jan Píša

Popis: The main ambition of Agents of Change is to investigate how old-industrial regions located outside major agglomerations in Europe can deal with the unfavourable structural conditions and trends and can create a new development path leading to prosperity and well-being, contributing to social cohesion and stability of Europe as a whole. The aim of this project is three-fold:
1) to develop a better understanding of the emergence of new development paths in old industrial regions and the implications for social and spatial development;
2) to strengthen academic collaboration among scholars in EU countries and to facilitate knowledge exchange between academia and policy circles;
3) utilising the results of international comparison and knowledge exchange, to develop policy recommendations for discovering new development paths for Europe’s old industrial regions in various socio-spatial, historical, and cultural contexts.
